
This section has a reference implementation of the CleanFS file system written in plain C. It has minimal dependencies and a simple console demo is included. The demo consists of a small shell that allows to format a ram disk, mount it, and do the most common operations on files. The demo is packaged as a Qt Creator project. There are no dependencies on Qt and it is not necessary to use Qt Creator, but it is a good IDE for development.

The project is currently in Alpha status. Even if the code was tested by me, it cannot be considered stable or reliable until it has been proven to perform that way and more bugs are cleaned up.

Status of the current version (Alpha-0.4):

  • Basic functionality works. It can function as a replacement for FAT32.
  • Needs code cleanup
  • Documentation is incomplete but most of the functions are self-explanatory
  • Needs speed optimizations

Roadmap for 2013 and beyond:

  • Add Access Control Lists to support user permissions.
  • Create a FUSE version for use in Linux/Unix systems.
  • Add disk checking tools.
  • Add directory repacking functionality.
  • Add defrag tool.


Download links:

Latest version: CleanFS-Alpha-0.4.tar.gz

Demo: CleanFSDemo-Alpha-0.4.tar.gz