The newRPL core was mated to the firmware project, and now both projects build together as a firmware for the 50g target. While the newRPL core was already executed under HPGCC3 a few months ago, this time the complete core, including the variable precision library mpdecimal, were compiled successfully for the ARM target as a separate library, and linked to the firmware project to form a monolithic firmware binary that can be flashed into the calculator.
Now the road is clear to continue to develop the user interface as part of the firmware. The roadmap is (more or less):
- Make the firmware do the low-level memory management for the newRPL core, so we can finally run it.
- Develop an oversimplified command line editor, just enough to enter numbers and press Enter.
- Develop the stack display mechanism
- Basic settings and keyboard management
- Publish first firmware demo as a four-banger calculator
After the first demo is published, things will progress naturally towards giving the user more and more control over the RPL core, with a more polished editor, and a better and more complete user interface. At the same time, the newRPL core will keep progressing on its own, adding more and more supported commands. It will take time, but today is another major milestone for the project: the first complete firmware image was obtained.